
ASL recognition from video


VideoASL aims to improve isolated sign language recognition (ISLR) from video. Using a two-pronged approach, the proposed model uses video features in conjunction hand landmark locations to recognize large-scale American Sign Language (ASL). We aim to address challenges in dictionary retrieval, which are essential tools for language learners and users. Potential applications include live sign transcription, as well as creating a reliable ASL-to-English dictionary. It is currently a working paper.


We use the ASL Citizen dataset. This dataset represents the first large-scale, con- tinuous ASL dataset, emphasizing conversational ASL within a diverse range of contexts. It contains 84,000 video recordings of over 2700 ASL signs.

Model Architecture

VideoASL model architecture

Our feature extractor is a video classification model VideoMAE (Masked Auto-encoding). The landmark detector is Mediapipe’s pose landmark detector.


Coming soon!