Farid Karimli

MSDS at Boston University. Brookline, MA. faridkar@bu.edu.


I’m a Data Science MS student at Boston University. I got my undergraduate degree in Computer Science there too. My background is in data science, machine learning and software development.

I have led and worked on projects that span many domains: healthcare, public policy, linguistics and more. These involved working on facial tracking and gesture recognition in assistive software, investigating health and police data, and more.

Currently, my interests are in computer vision, human-computer interaction, and applied AI. My goal is to use deep learning methods to enhance how we learn and interact with our devices and data. I am part of the Image and Video Research Group, working on video-based human-computer interfaces and assistive technology. Also, I recently joined Prof. Thomas Gardos’s AI lab, working on a multi-modal foundation model for analyzing millions of Herbaria samples and educational AI tutors.


Aug 13, 2024 Our CameraMouseAI demo paper got accepted at ASSETS 24’!
May 30, 2024 Joined the Gardos Lab
Sep 04, 2023 Started my Master’s in Data Science at Boston University.